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Giant Predatory Catfish

A fish like catfish believed to have been genetically mutated into gigantic and terrifying. This fish is now the object of research scientists in Nepal and India. They worry that the fish had been killed several people after a 'feel' the human body.
This giant catfish, usually called a goonch, allegedly grew after getting food human corpses dumped in the Great Kali River, a river in Nepal-India border, where the fish was caught.
Fish that have been mutated is currently under investigation a biologist Jeremy Wade. Wade examined for the giant catfish for a television shows that will be broadcasted by a television station Five.
"The locals told me a theory that this monster has grown unusually large because eating supplies of cremations. Maybe they feel the pleasure of human flesh after eating the remains of the corpse "said Wade.
"There might be some catfish that grow bigger than others and if you provide more food, then they definitely will also grow larger again" he said.
Initially, Wade thought that chrocodiles who eat the remains of the corpse. However, the theory changed after she turned their attention to goonch, one of the largest freshwater fish species in the world.
He then caught one are estimated to weight 55 kg with a length of almost 2 meters. Weight and size can be called a world record because it was much heavier and larger than fish catfish ever caught before. "If this fish to catch you, you will not get away", he said.

For years, residents along the Great Kali believe there was terrible monster lurking in the river that runs through the India-Nepal border this.
But, they thought the monster was always moving along the river and to target the people who bathe in the stream. Last year, teens 18 years of Nepal missing after being dragged into the river by something described as 'long pig shaped'.
The first victim of this goonch attack was thought a 17-year-old boy who is also from Nepal. He died after bathing in the river, past April 1988.
Witnesses said they saw the young man as drawn by something powerful into the rivers. Three months after the incident, again, a young boy was dragged into the water, while his father could only look helplessly.

Tag : News, Unique
6 Komentar untuk "Giant Predatory Catfish"

In the first and last picture it isnt a goonch atall its a juvinile whale shark.

This isn't even a goonch. It’s a whale shark which eats fish and is harmless.
Would have been provoked to attack anyone.

Those people picked a photo to make other viewer say Oh my gosh or something like that!!!! I was just wondering where hell are the whiskers?

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