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Technique and Procedure of Statistical Analysis of Test Item Validity of Objective English Language Test (Part 2)

 Continuation of previous article...

It is known that evaluation is really important for both students and teachers. For students, evaluation is used to measure the achievement along the Teaching and Learning Process (TLP). While for teachers, evaluation can be used to see the success of the TLP. Based on Djiwandono (2008:2), there are three components of TLP; they are the objective, the activity, and evaluation. They are closely interrelated. For teacher, the function of evaluation is also as feedback for the previous components, they are the objective and the activity. The unsuccessful learning process is not only caused by the weakness of the students, but it can indicate the weakness of the components such inappropriate material, incompetent teachers, lack of exercise etc. Surely evaluation is definitely important.
There are two techniques of evaluation. They are non-test and test. Observation, interview, questionnaire, and portfolio are kinds of non-test technique. Objective test and subjective test are kinds of test technique. This writing focuses on the test technique. So, test is used as technique of evaluation in order to measure the achievement of the students and the successful of TLP. 
Test is conducted in the end of TLP. It is in order to measure whether the objective of the TLP has been achieved or not. The objective of the TLP is surely achieved through the activity. If the result does not indicate satisfied result, the teacher should recheck and evaluate start from the objective again or the activity. The activity covers anything in classroom such as teaching method, teaching media, teaching ability, classroom organizing, or materials. So, test and TLP are closely interrelated between each other.

To be continued...
This article was presented in 2nd National Conference on English Language Teaching (NACELT 2), on November 14, 2016.

Tittle: Technique and Procedure of Statistical Analysis of Test Item Validity of Objective English Language Test, written by Aris Sugianto

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