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Technique and Procedure of Statistical Analysis of Test Item Validity of Objective English Language Test (Part 3)

 Continuation of previous article...

By realizing the important of test as evaluation technique, so it is a must to conduct a good test. A test which fulfills characteristics of a good test can be an instrument to measure the achievement of students or the success of teaching. Generally, there five popular points that can be used as the bases of determination that the test has fulfilled characteristics of a good test; they are the extent of validity, reliability, objectivity, practicability, and economic (Djiwandono, 2008; Sudijono, 2011).
Validity refers to that the test can really measure what it is supposed to measure. Reliability refers to the consistency of test result or score although the test is conducted many times or at least two times. Objectivity refers to the consistency of scoring system so the score really represent the real capability of students. Practicability refers to the easiness in administration, the easiness in scoring, and having clear direction. Then, economic refers to that the test is not expensive and does not need much time.
From the five characteristics of a good test, at least a test should be valid and reliable. So, validity and reliability are the most important characteristics of a good test. In the other hand, a test should be able to measure what it purposes to measure and also can be trusted as an instrument to measure the achievement of the students in TLP.
As discussed above, to measure the achievement of students and the success of teaching in TLP, it is used a test as instrument. According to Djiwandono (2008:36), based on the technique of scoring, test can be classified as two kinds; they are objective test and subjective test.

To be continued..  
This article was presented in 2nd National Conference on English Language Teaching (NACELT 2), on November 14, 2016.

Tittle: Technique and Procedure of Statistical Analysis of Test Item Validity of Objective English Language Test, written by Aris Sugianto

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